This is a REAL rainbow. Of course, this picture does not do it any justice. When I saw it I was mesmerized. It was the clearest, largest rainbow I have ever seen in my life! This particular day was BEAUTIFUL, the weather was perfect and it was only a slight drizzle, as if the rain were teasing us. But when I saw this rainbow I was awe-stricken. God's rainbow creation is jaw-dropping, incredible and gorgeous.
My first Costa Rican family. That's Marcela, Mama Rosa, and Daniela. They were awesome! Marcela has the clearest spanish ever! Whenever I didn't understand she would slow down or use different words so I would get it. She's in college now to be a teacher. I think she will be very successful. Rosacita (my term of endearment for Rosa) is an awesome mother! She cooked me two wonderful meals a day, cleaned my room, made my bed and washed my clothes. About an hour after dinner every night she, and the girls, would sit and talk with me in spanish. This conversation greatly improved my fluency, vocabulary and listening comprehension. I am very grateful for their hospitality.
Me, ziplining! In zipling you literally 'zip' through the forest on strong cable cords on treetops. Here, I'm completing an obstacle course but most other times I was flying through the trees. It was soooo fun!
The best part of Costa Rica!! Ha ha!! These were my ziplining guides. They were great instructors...and easy on the eyes. :-)
Me and April (a soon to be doctor from North Dakota) at the hot springs. These hot springs were HOT!!! One of them we could only stand for about 10 minutes, it was too hot.
A real gekko! And YES! He really CAN save you 15% or more in 15 minutes on your car insurance! It's amazing!
I went to the beach...nearly every day after class. It is quite possibly one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen. It's so serene and beautiful, it's surreal.
I forgot to mention that all of my teachers and classmates in Costa Rica asked me what 'I do' back in the States. Not surprisingly, none of them knew anything about Occupational Therapy. So, I took the opportunity to explain OT to them...IN SPANISH!!!
And I did it very well as everyone understood. In one particular class one of my teachers said (in spanish, of course): "Oh, so it's kind of like helping people do daily activities." Needless to say, I nearly cried when I heard her summary.
I'm an evangelist spreading the word of OT around the world!!!
Hi! I am starting an OT masters program this summer or fall (TBD depending on which one I accept). I LOVE the idea of going to a foreign country for a few weeks to learn the language. Just curious how you found your housing with a local family and Spanish classes? What a great idea!